Welcome to L.I.F.E. Family
Resource Center
Supporting families for a brighter tomorrow.
About Us...
Our Mission
We are committed to supporting and assisting women and families with their pregnancy and parenting needs. We pray they will discover the love and mercy of Jesus Christ.
Our Ministry
We are a nonprofit organization. Our funding is through the generous contributions of churches, businesses, and private citizens. We are governed by a Board of Directors, and all donations are tax-deductible.
All services are free of charge and provided in a loving, judgment-free, caring environment.
Our Goals
To present alternatives to abortion and promote healthy pregnancies and births.
To provide information, training, and referral services throughout the community, local churches, and governmental agencies; that promote ongoing support to the families we serve.
Strive to provide practical assistance and encouragement, emotionally and spiritually, to the whole family.
Looking to expand your knowledge on important topics such as parenting, child safety, budgeting, and self-care?
We now offer in-person classes on these topics and more. Join us and learn valuable skills to improve your life and the lives of those around you.
Great news! We would like to express our gratitude to the Orange County Community Foundation for their generous grant. Thanks to their support, we were able to purchase a Smart TV that will allow us to stream evidence-based practice sources for our classes and support groups. We are excited to enhance our teaching methods and provide our clients with the best possible resources.
Learn & Earn
Earn Baby Bucks through our Learn 'n Earn progam to spend in the Boutique where you'll find baby's, children's and women's clothing, as well as, baby supplies, diapers, furniture, equipment, books, breastfeeding supplies and more.
There are multiple ways to earn Baby Bucks, including learning modules, Bible studies, devotions, LIFE class/support group attendance, online Bible devotions, church attendance, involvement in our other ministries... and many more ways to earn Baby Bucks to purchase items!
Learning modules include a wide variety of topics to choose from, including parenting, family, marriage, financial and budgeting, baby and child growth and development, child safety, hygiene, nutrition and much more!
More Services
Free ultrasounds for those 6-12 weeks pregnant by appointment, in partnership with Hope Resource Center.
Car Seat Inspections by a Certified Passenger Safety Technician.
In-person classes and support groups for parents, expectant mothers, teen parents and more.
Free pregnancy tests
Emergency assistance with clothing and other necessities in case of home fires, foster child placement and temporary custody situations.
Assistance with community resource referrals--food, health and safety, adoption, and more services.
Designated as a Pack 'n Play distribution center through the ISDH Safe Sleep Program.
Additional Ministries
Families Rising seeks to equip families to rise together to community, resilience, and hope in Orange County by creating a network of families who support each other through crisis. This is accomplished through volunteers who provide life coaching, short-term child hosting, and/or other resources (such as meals, transportation, or professional assistance) to families in crisis in an effort to help the family come through the trouble intact and with greater stability.
Embrace Grace exists to inspire and equip the church to love on single pregnant young women and their families.
Participants complete a 12-week curriculum to earn a BABY SHOWER!
Ultrasounds with Hope
The Hope Mobile provides free ultrasounds at the Life Center on Wednesdays by appointment only.
Call 812-723-3689 to schedule an appointment.